What are the employment directions of surveying and mapping engineering

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  1. The surveying and mapping engineering mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills of surveying and mapping, space precision positioning and navigation, urban and engineering construction, and their measurement engineering, and measures and draws into a topographic diagram of various information such as space, landforms, and geological structure. The following is what are the employment directions of the surveying and mapping engineering that I have collected and organized. I hope to help everyone.
    What is the employment direction of surveying and mapping engineering. Drawing, geographical information system, mining measurement, engineering measurement, GPS and modern positioning technology, deformation and sinking engineering, resource information, etc.
    If employment direction: Graduates in the direction of this major can engage in technical and management work in the surveying and mapping relevant departments, aerospace departments, navigation system design and manufacturing units, satellite positioning and navigation technology development and application units, or in government departments, teaching, teaching Related work with scientific research units.
    The employment prospects for surveying and mapping engineering
    The majors in surveying and mapping engineering have always been considered a "unpopular" major, because there are fewer universities, and the surveying and mapping work in the eyes of laymen is very hard. However, in fact, the employment field of surveying and mapping projects is wide and the demand for talents is large, and more than 90%of the employment rate is not nonsense.学测绘的小伙伴们,准备接受挑战R U ready!rn   测绘专业的主要就业领域非常广泛,包括地图与地理信息系统的设计、实施和研究工作;国家基础测绘建设、陆海空运载工具导航与Management, urban and engineering construction, mineral resource exploration and development, land resource survey and management measurement engineering; there are also various types of enterprises to engage in research and development of surveying and mapping products, software and equipment.
    How to the layman said that this major is very bitter, girls should not give up treatment. Foreign industry measurement does not want to do, we can do internal data processing. In short, students who have surveying and mapping majors do not have to worry about not finding their jobs. It is the biggest manifestation of their own value in the professional field.
    The employment direction of surveying and mapping engineering
    Teng engineering bureaus and surveying and mapping related enterprises
    Teng engineering bureau and enterprises have a large demand for measurement engineering, and the threshold is also very low. Whether it is an engineering bureau or an enterprise, as long as it involves the work of the foreign industry, it is definitely inevitable that the name is "intimate contact with nature". Although it is a bit hard, whether a project can be completed smoothly, it is impossible to do without the efforts of each surveying and mapping personnel. It is very meaningful to do your job carefully.
    The main work content is the surveying and mapping, control measurement, terrain measurement, planning measurement, construction project measurement, etc. we are well known. The work requires that the measurement personnel must be familiar with the measurement instruments such as GPS, full station, and standardized meter. Students are advised to learn basic software such as Southern CASS, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Mapgis to complete the work of internal data finishing and graphic drawing. In addition to these basic skills, students better understand the relevant land engineering policies and systems.
    The position development direction: The friends start with ordinary surveyor or assistant engineers. After a few years of work, it becomes a registered surveyor. It is the issue of time and ability to develop to senior engineers.
    If design institutions, surveying and mapping institutions and other institutions
    In in the design institute, the main work of the surveyor is to measure the terrain, elevation and earthquake amount of data on site of the project, and submit it to the designer as the next step as the next step. The basis for design.
    If students can enter the design institutes such as public institutions, work and salary will be relatively stable, easier than foreign measureders. But relatively speaking, the design institute is more difficult to sign, because some high -level design institutes tend to receive graduate students. But if your grades are high, your resume is really fulfilling, you can still consider it. Of course, some small design institutes will not have such high requirements, and you can try it.
    In programming and software application development
    The programming here is programming for various drawing software. The most important and most widely used are programming for CAD.
    Most of the surveying and mapping units will have more or less special requirements for their own surveying and mapping results (that is, drawings), such as special labeling methods, patterns and effects, etc. Very troublesome. Want to improve efficiency? If you want to make the drawings what you want in one click? At this time, it reflects the role of programmers.
    The so -called programming content, one is to write various plug -in and applications for our familiar CAD for business needs; second, internal work needs to process a large amount of measurement data data. In order to improve the efficiency of work, we need to write a program. Let's realize office automation.
    The programming knowledge in professional courses may not be enough at work, but more programming skills knowledge is relatively easy to get started. Therefore, it is recommended that friends who do not want to be out of the field of surveying and mapping and do not want to run the foreign industry to decisively invest in the embrace of programming. In addition, the girls of surveying and mapping engineering can also bravely try the position of programmer.
    Because the drawing software is mainly used in internal work, students who want to do programming start with programmers. In the future, they can develop in the direction of internal software development and then develop to management.
    Instrument sales and research and development
    The direction is mainly from the application level to the technical conversion, involving some new measurement technology and instruments. R

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